Module Three - mindful breathing and opening to problems

For the 3rd meditation module of Original Exploring Difficult

We started to really focus on breathing where we find the exact sensation of breathing in from the throat to the stomach and when breathing out the sensation to the mouth and to the surroundings. When my mind drift,  I know is ok and just have to breathe in and out and focus again. The main point is to refocus and check on my body posture and if is the same intended position as I want.

I feel is like out real-life situation when I focus on many things we slowly forgetting to focus on myself. And slowly in the meditation we will start to feel the whole-body sensations using breathing. Slowly I get to feel the sensation of the sensation. How is our muscle moving and how to focus on our limbs and muscle. Being fully aware of my own individual actions in real life.

So in real-life no matter what our thoughts and distraction, is best I focus on my breathing once a while to see my sensation and explore whatever my mind wants. To feel what my mind wants and accept the drifting idea. Understand the sensation.

During the meditation, I will bring the difficult times into my mind and let it be. Understand the fear, finding out which part of my body is the problem residing in and bring my attention fully to it. Slowly open to the problem and feel the sensations. To Maximise the compassion within myself, my heart and feel the sensation of the whole body.  

The main thing of the meditation is to focus on the body,  focus on sensation, focus on the problem and be open to it ultimately. 

"each in-breath a new beginning and each out-breath, letting go and let it be" 
